Wednesday, April 29, 2009


So I'm pretty much in love with Ra Ra Riot right now. They were AMAZING. Better live than their album! I'll write more about the show tomorrow night or something... but right now, I'm just sooo happy that I went to the show instead of studying for my Filipino Americans midterm which is in 8 hours!

Anyway, we got to meet 4 out of 6 members of Ra Ra Riot and Trang and I are pretty much in love with Wesley (vocals) and Mathieu (bass). They were suuuuper nice and not to mention suuuuper cute in a nerdy kind of way! They signed Trang's Comm notes and my arm! :) We even got to hug them, which pretty much made my night! It was funny/sad/cute when April asked Wesley if they get hugs all the time because they're on tour, and he said, "no, not really." Haha! It was also cute when Trang asked them if their tour bus was in the back and Wesley said, "it's more of a tour van. We're roughing it." LOL. They totally deserve a tour bus! When we left, Mathieu told Trang, "good luck on your midterm!" How nice! When Trang and I got back to my room, we listened to Ra Ra Riot and fangirled over Wesley and Mathieu. Hehe. :)

Pictures taken from my phone since none of us had our cameras with us!

Trang and I totally matched them! And Mathieu
kind of looks like Jemaine from FOTC! :P

P.S. Death Cab was freakin' awesome!