Thursday, February 19, 2009

What a cutie.

I was reading my Xanga earlier and I realized how much I've changed since then. The last time I blogged there was last April and I wrote about how Senior year was about to end, how time was going by so fast, and how scared I was about moving to SB. It's kind of funny because as I read my blogs, I started to get irritated with myself. I was always complaining about school, not getting enough sleep, and not getting any work done. I couldn't stand my complaints, but I couldn't stop reading. For some strange reason, my life actually seemed kind of interesting. I talked about concerts that I went to and events that I totally forgot about. The weirdest part about all of this is that most of what I read was from less than two years ago. Did I really change that much within that small period of time? Did I really grow up that fast? Next thing you know, I'm going to be blogging about graduating from college, getting a job, getting my own place, etc. It's pretty scary.

Anywho, on a lighter note-- midterms for me are over, and I managed to pass all of mine. Yay! ^__^ On the other hand, I have a paper due next week, field notes due for Anthro, another presentation for Theatre (we got an A on our first presentation!), two dance performances to go to, and finals coming up in three and a half weeks. On top of all that, we still have to find a place to live next year or else we'll end up living in the dorms again. UGH. Emi and I found an apartment in Ellwood which was perfect (except it wasn't cat-friendly) but Daniela decided to bail on us and we have to find another roommate. We also found a condo in Cathedral Oaks (it's cat-friendly!) that we are visiting on Friday. We might have found two roommates for that place, so hopefully it all works out. It's getting pretty late and I have an 11am class today, so I should go hit the sack. Goodnight!


  1. "It's kind of funny because as I read my blogs, I started to get irritated with myself. I was always complaining about school, not getting enough sleep, and not getting any work done."

    lol-me too. I wanted to slap old self. I guess blogging was sort of my therapy for when I was stressing out....I think it still is...

    "I'm going to be blogging about graduating from college, getting a job, getting my own place, etc. It's pretty scary."

    LOL. I can't wait to look back again and read our blogs.

  2. Haha I know! We'd be like, "What the hell was wrong with us?!" Haha.
