Four months down, five to go...
It doesn't feel like I've been here for four months. Time is going by so fast. We're already in our third week of winter quarter and midterms are just around the corner... which means that I really need to stop procrastinating. I was talking to Daniela the other day about elementary school. I remember that whenever we had vacation homework for winter break, I always did it last minute (as in the night before school started) and I usually never finished. I guess that procrastination has always just been my bad habit.
For no apparent reason, today I tried to actually do something productive-- I decided to work on my Theater presentation. In a way, I was kind of procrastinating since I was supposed to catch up on reading that is due next week, but I worked on a presentation that isn't due until three weeks from now. Oh well... at least I got something done.

My desk was a mess

Our Theater teacher gave us a little book of
gel swatches for lighting... I can't wait to play
with them ^_^
For no apparent reason, today I tried to actually do something productive-- I decided to work on my Theater presentation. In a way, I was kind of procrastinating since I was supposed to catch up on reading that is due next week, but I worked on a presentation that isn't due until three weeks from now. Oh well... at least I got something done.
My desk was a mess
Our Theater teacher gave us a little book of
gel swatches for lighting... I can't wait to play
with them ^_^
I think that I am actually going to be active this quarter. Emi and I joined the programming committee for our house and we are going to start working out again. I am getting tired of dining commons food... Emi and I have resorted to eating a lot of ramen. Haha.

Boiling water takes forever...

...and Emi is getting restless

Yum yum!

Our table after eating
Boiling water takes forever...
...and Emi is getting restless
Yum yum!
Our table after eating
I should probably go to sleep soon. I have a class at 11am and I want to try to eat breakfast before the dining commons close at 10am. Hopefully it won't rain today... I really want to go to Albertsons and buy ingredients so I can make red velvet balls. There's also a bonfire later tonight at the beach, so hopefully the rain doesn't kill it. :( I guess I shall go to sleep now. I am getting tired and have nothing else to talk about. I apologize if this blog made no sense. My brain isn't functioning properly after going crazy over watercolors and costuming. >__<